Year Twenty Nine

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Good Morning, Gorgeous.

Best laid plans.  Or, as my other half likes to call it, "a symphony of alarms and snooze buttons". Potato, potatoe...

My (goal) morning routine looks a bit like this: rise at my first alarm (sans snooze) for a sweat session, shower, get dressed, make a smoothie (or something else easily edible to consume whilst driving) and head out the door -- on time.

This goal is seemingly easy considering I'm no stranger to hard work, after all, I helped cut down our Christmas tree one year...

Now some truth talk -- we are is a safe place, right? Great. 

My morning routine actually looks more like this: hit the snooze button until after my last alarm (amid groans from my bedmate to "get up or turn it off, for goodness sake"), rise in a panic. Shower, get dressed, make breakfast, and head out the door - totally and epically late.  

Regardless the depths of my tardiness, I always begin my day on a well balanced note (with my bags packed and ready to go the night before), setting the tone for the rest of my waking hours.  Let's face it, if I begin the day mindful, I'm less like to dive face first into a pool filled with french fries and double cheeseburgers.  mmm, french fries...

Here's how my stars align: Am workout = boundless energy, while healthy breakfast = beginning my day with enough protein, greens, and deliciousness to hold me over until lunch.  And if I get both those magical things done, before I leave the house? 


I scour the surface of the earth for recipes, Aloha has some great ones, more on Pinterest that will keep my taste buds happy, with enough oomph to keep me awake, without robbing my fragile soul of my days calories in one meal. Bonus points for less ingredients without sacrificing taste. The constants in every recipe I use are: fruit, greens, and a scoop of plant based Protein Powder (Aloha + Vega have great ones). Then, I blend till my heart is content, using either the Magic Bullet (super convenient, less dishes to clean) or Vitamix (heavy duty, makes more than one serving).

There you have it, my morning ritual, debunked. I should also note if I don't get my lazy bones out of bed to workout before work (which is ideal), I do so after work, which is less fun because I miss out on some quality time with my family. 

So tell me, what do YOUR morning routine look like?

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