Year Twenty Nine

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The taper

(Apologies for formatting issues, the hotel internet and my laptop are fighting)

Taper -- The time when you scale back on mileage, drink lots of water, rest, and (good) carb load for your impending race.  Which (for me) means I don't weigh myself or log calories and try not to freak out when my pants get TIGHT.

It also means losing the number one way I combat stress outside of a bottle of riesling a night .  So I'm -- a "little" on edge.  Add in the fact the impending race nerves, and, well -- proceed with caution.

Saturday -- Last "long run" 5.02 miles while watching the movie Epic

Sunday -- 4 miles

Breakfast : ezekiel cereal, soy milk, banana
Lunch: nachos (blue corn tortilla chips + mozzarella cheese)
Snack: Irish cupcakes -- I was baking, so I HAD to taste test a few... (recipe coming soon)
Dinner: mac n cheese with meatballs
Mood: Excited

Monday -- rest day. Meaning I OCD scrubbed the main floor while (watching the new season of DWTS) M and the hounds looked on in horror and dared not to move

Breakfast: oats with banana + iced coffee
Lunch: whole wheat pasta + roasted veg + meatballs
Dinner: leftovers random madness -- meatballs + two hamburger buns with butter and mozzarella
Mood: excited, anxious, nauseous

See the terror in their eyes?

Tuesday -- 5.01 miles
Breakfast: fage 2% with peach + iced coffee
Snack: chia pod -- NOT tasty, tossed. Apple, one bite, mealy. Tossed #snackfail. Core Power light saved the day
Dinner: Daiya pizza + wine
Mood: there was wine, so I was happy. Duh.

Wednesday -- rest
Breakfast: iced coffee
Lunch: jimmy johns tuna sandwich + jalapeno chips
Dinner: Happy Hour cocktails before this concert, then a lazy three glasses-of-wine bright idea to get Rally's on the way home (it didn't go well -- crap food, crap mood)

Thursday -- rest
Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries + hot tea
-- I have no idea what I ate the rest of the day :(

Friday -- 2.01 shake out run (in my new race tee), and 2.0 (walking) with my peeps.

Nuun slushie (lemon lime), race day prep, then an early bedtime.

What does your taper week ritual look like?
Run for stress relief?
Seen the movie Epic? It's actually really good and not super "kid movie" in content
Watching the new season of DWTS? Such a neat cast, I have so many favorites already!

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