Year Twenty Nine

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Photo Diary: #beachboozesunrepeat (part two)

Upside to procrastinating waiting to post about vacation? I get to relive it all over again. Swoon. In case you missed it, part one - here. Check out #beachboozesunrepeat on twitter and instagram for more photos, cuz I don't want you to hate me for giving you carpal tunnel from all the scrolling . Your're welcome.

After bidding farewell to the "vacation" portion (for me) of Palm Beach we loaded our sand filled belongnings, climbed into the worlds most expensive cab, and began the journey to hotel, numero dos. On the way we wondered what the next place would be like, how the conference would be, and how relaxing our time in FL has been so far. Having made the hotel reservations I'd seen photos and knew it was going to be "posh', but nothing compared to the lavish expanse of lush greens, perfectly manicured lawns, and downright regal existence we encountered as we turned onto the mile long brick paved drive leading to -

 The Breakers.

The cab ride got audibly silent as we traversed to the entrance. We're not in Missouri anymore toto...

Upon entering the bellman relieve you of all your luggage, welcome you, and point you in the direction of the front desk.

By this point I was drooling and had promptly forgotten my name and reason for travel. Details. Once I got my act together (don't embarrass make an ass of yourself in this fancy place Marcia!). Complimentary bottled water was given to us, "I'm sure you must be parched from your journey, refresh yourself while I check you in", and with a simple request to be placed in a room facing the ocean, we received the coolest room key - ever.

As we made our way to our oceanfront room we marveled in the sheer beauty of the property, and M promptly decided all my work travel was this opulent (far from it), along with the proclamation he now wants to accompany me on all "business travel". Sweet guy.

(via Instagram)

It took about half a second to realize we were lost once on our floor, luckily the bellman was already waiting(!!) for us. Houdini I swear. He opened the door, brought in all our luggage (read: my massive 50 plus pound monstrosity the airport almost made me pay extra for), adjusted the room temperature to our "liking", showed us around (there were buttons galore) and bidded us adieu. Poor guy probably hadn't shut the door when we exclaimed to one another "we are never going home, we will live here - forever". Upon entering the restroom a major holy-shit-we-are-where-the-fancy-folks-stay, a TV, in the mirror. Yes. Surround sound, cable, remote control, the works. 

Arriving early has it perks - explore entire property, rent bikes to explore the  island, stop for ice cream

In. That. Order.
(via Instagram)

After the bike ride I decided this would probably be an excessively priced opportune time to get a mani-pedi. Ditched M in the room to nap, showered, and headed to my appointment. 

Once they got me checked in I was greeted by a super sweet older lady who'd be making my hands and feet all pretty-like. First: nail color. The service included two colors. That you keep. Heaven, is that you knocking?

Then you get all cozy, she took my snack order, and turned on the mounted iPad(!) for my enjoyment during my services. 

Snack choice: hot tea (complete with a packet of honey pearls), and fresh fruit. 

You are in your own private "cabana", super quaint with no luxury touch spared. Including a towel to cover my lady parts cuz I'm a dope and wore a sundress (oops). Over the duration she told me the history of the hotel, and -- well I was so blissed out I can't recall now. But it was a fantastic treat to myself. (pats self on back for being so generous).

Upon completion you are given a drawstring bag with the tools used - nail file, cuticle pusher, clippers, buffer, nail color(s). Swanky, I know. While I treat myself to mani-pedis on occassion in "real life", this truly was a (luxurious) treat. 

Split a late lunch on property, here.

That evening we walked to dinner with my coworker and his (now) fiance' - here. Dining alfresco with fab company? Yes please. 

Why can't every sunset be that incredible. Gosh. 

(via Instagram)

That am we followed routine and hit the beach for a few miles along the water. The beach was private, which made for tricky business (i.e. the public portion had loads of jellyfish everywhere), but we endured. 

Obligatory bathroom selfie during break.

(via Instagram)

There were drink stations set up with the usual: coffee, tea, soda, the works. Curly hair opted for dark roast. With heavy cream. I felt my thighs spreading with every sip, and (almost) didn't care. If I hustled, on our breaks I could refresh my cup, and spend a few moments on the deck before returning to the conference.

Clearly there was sunbathing/lounging/reading to be had, but since part deux of the trip was professional (for me), I opted for this divine one piece that was tasteful, yet sassy. 

Mission cover your lady bits in front of coworkers, yet still look fierce, accomplished.

Besides, we both know I'd don a mumu if need be to savor every moment of this -

And this

-- oh, and this. 

Pool men came by, drilled holes in the sand, placed umbrellas, and covered your chair in towels 9with hoods for the top so it didn't slide down).

(via Instagram)

Clearly I felt quite at home being waited on hand and foot.

A few of the vendors rented cabanas - complete with booze, music, and cuban cigars. 


Since my company sent about 20 people (and everyone brought a spouse) we went to dinner as a work family each night. First, a two hour dinner (can't remember the name to save my life, but was on Royal Poniciana within walking distance of The Breakers) where I ordered the forbidden rice (it was the nights special) and made a complete fool of myself inhaling every succulent bite of shrimp, perfectly poached egg, and insane sauce. Sweet. Lord. Then, dinner - here (photo above). We also had breakfast - here with friends on leisurely morning (The crab eggs benedict is divine). 

On National Kale Day so I had the most decadent kale + manchego salad as an appetizer. 

A little resort shopping for souvenirs.

The last day we had a half day then a formal dinner later that evening - so lunch was on our own

Insistent I consume "all the seafood my body will allow", we went here where I ordered a pineapple lemonade (fresh. squeezed.) and the most decadent lobster roll I have ever seen.

I thoroughly enjoyed - every. single. bite. And yes, it was worth the entire price tag that came with it. 

The final evening began with cocktail hour on the veranda

Dress: Stitch Fix

We clean up pretty well, no?  After cocktails we were lead into the grand ballroom for dinner - complete with a live band. And table wine service. Holla! 

Service was impeccable - and, because this is so much fun remembering, I'll walk you through each course. I apologize now in advance, the room was lit all romantic like, so the food photos are all dimly lit. 

First course: Mojito glazed shrimp (r) with a queso fresco arepa, salsa verde, cilantro crema, and  watermelon, mango, blackjack lettuce tower (l).

Entree: Chimmchuri beef tenderloin (l), Tangerine encrusted Sea Bass, piquillo demi and citrus coconut butter (r), and Empanada con papas, chayote corn relish, grilled zucchini (m). 

Dessert: Exotic tropical parfait, coconut passion fruit cream, milk chocolate kisses (l), and lychee caviar (r). 

Out of all the courses, dessert was my least favorite, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. #iatehistoo

My date

My pal - how incredibly gorgeous is she? I mean really, it should be outlawed to always look that fantastic.

Our final day in Palm Beach we got breakfast from the resort "store" (think william sonoma + panera + and fro yo had a baby), where I bought this $9 yogurt parfait. Yes, $9. It was, however all fresh (like literally fresh sliced) mango, berry, and granola. Heavenly.

Oh man my expense report is going to include a large letter of explanation...

Farewell Breakers - I miss you already...

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