Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

Good morning!

I sincerely hope your weekend went amazing, mine sure was. Bachelorette Party, dress fitting, quality time with good friends, bonfires, fireworks, and the first day of Fall. My cup overflow. Add in the fact I'm going on vacation in t-minus two days for NINE days - you could knock me over with a feather. 


// On a dog alarm clock, here

// On Emotional Eating, here

//On living separate but apart, here

// On student loan repayment options, here

// On the Runner's World Cookbook, here

// On butter, here

// On Surviving Whole Foods, here

// On the new Garmin Forerunners, here

// On Yasso 800's, here

// On Paleo, here

What are YOU musing about this Monday?

Email me