Year Twenty Nine

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Need for Speed

Earlier this week I was telling you about the speed series I signed up for. You know since short hair has only been running for a year (Happy Anniversary to me and my feet!) - and could use ALL the help one could get. Times a zillion. Enter Big River, my favorite-est local running store and the fact its FREE (can the church say - HALLELUJAH!). Sold. 

Sign up was a snap online, and I was PUMPED to start. Who wouldn't want to be coached by pros, improve their times, meet new peeps, and - did I mention it was FREE?! 

First session came, grab my Vitamin Water Zero (rookie mistake), gear and hit the road. Thankfully they have two sessions each night, and since I am nice and didn't want to offend people with my massive "man" sweats, chose the later session. That and its effing HOT/HUMID/SWAMP A$$Y outside right about now. 

Pace groups are split up by your goal times, and each has a coach. They cautioned this first session would be all "yeah, I could bust out a few more", and as the weeks go on it'll be like, "yeah, I wanna lie down and cry now".  Ok, I made the last part up.  Here's what we've done so far, my thoughts on each workout, and tips. So you don't make rookie mistakes like I do.

-Week 1 (May 14):

Total Interval Running Time: = (13-18 min.)

6 x 400m @ 10k race pace (rest interval = 400 meter jog or walk)

Workout Description: 
The first two weeks of the schedule are all based off of 10k race pace. This is because we don't want to get too fit too quickly. Doing the repeats a little slower at first will be a good way to introduce your body to the speed work without risking injury from going too fast. This first workout is essentially a "rust-buster". It shouldn't be too hard but it will be a chance to feel a little bit of leg turnover.  You will simply run 1 lap at 10k pace and then 1 lap at a recovery jog or walk.

- Coaches don't lie - this workout was easy peasy "I could do this all day long".

-Week 2 (May 21):

Total Interval Running Time: = (13-18 min.)

4 x 800m @ 10k race pace (rest interval = 400 meter jog or walk)

Workout Description: 
This workout plays off of the week before and gives you a chance to run twice as long at the same pace as last week. You will simply run two laps at 10k pace followed by 1 lap at a recovery jog or walk.

- This workout was ROUGH. It didn't help I was running late and didn't stretch properly beforehand and figure out the workout du jour.  No, Marcia just found her group (who was taking off) and sprinted to catch up (rookie mistake). It goes without saying I'm sore today...


-Arrive 30 minutes early to sign in, warm up, and STRETCH
-Bring WATER
-Dress appropriately for the weather (Hot = less clothing to keep you from stroking out)


{Full workout schedule & descriptions* - here}

*This workout schedule was designed by Big River Personal Coach Tim Bradley. Coach Bradley has worked with runners of all ability levels for 10 years. Coach Bradley has run 15:09 for 5k and 1:10:33 for a half marathon.  Follow him on Twitter: @coachtbradley.

Have you ever done a running series before? This is my first, and it's taught me a ton already.

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