Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

Hey there, ho there,


I "may" have had a LOT of java this am. Have fun reading my incessant rambling - you're welcome :)  So I've been slacking the last two weeks on the interwebs, but not for lack of trying.  M.O.H. (Maid of Honor) duties are in full swing, ran the Superhero 5k (HELLOOOO PR!), jetted off to training for a full week in Kansas (P-A-R-T-Y in the USA), hopped off my flight and headed for Food Truck Friday to meet my pooches and peeps, started a speed work series, three day Staff Meeting (read: more food, booze, and late nights), hit up the Cards game with my main squeeze (in the suite - sweet!) - whew, let me take a breather...

- Hold please - 

K. I'm back. Since I'm such a caring, supportive person I signed up M, myself, and the dogs for Bark in the Park. And handmade costumes for Miles and Rubin. Then made M walk them so I could run, demanding the costumes stay in place for the duration. Mr. "I loathe the camera" is going to love me long time when he realizes there are official race photos...

Then yesterday, the gypsy caravan officially ended. And to commemorate this auspicious occasion M made me drive the dogs -  cuz I dodge driving them like the plague, which is due solely based on the fact they projectile vomit every. single. time they ride in a car.  Our best guess is before we rescued them the previous people just drove back and forth across America with them on the hood. Thank God for Rescue Remedy, the back of our cars resemble a scene from the Exorcist -

--- In other news ---

-I REALLY want to do a Runner's World Challenge, NOW.

-"She got it from her mama" - sweet, perfectly suited for me gift to meet my hydration needs. In style.

-My "9-5" FINALLY got with 2013 and is giving us our iPhones back. Cuz Blackberry sucks.  It only took IT (and everyone and their brother to complain) FOUR years to smell the technology. So in the very near future short hair will not only be back to her beloved, but can actually post on instagram more than once a quarter...

-Lululemon 2nd STL store opening in the CWE. Full story - here

-During my staff meeting last week the VP of Law called me "short hair".  I need to get that copyrighted/patented - it's about to go viral. And I will be the spokes-model. Naturally.

-This song is AMAZE. 

-Tracy Anderson is creating up a storm, the latest? The Food Program by Tracy Anderson - article, here.


-Starbucks VIA now has Iced Coffee . Music to my traveling ears.

- Thus far there are seven sexy ladies making a girls night of this - if you're in the STL and wanna join the SHENANIGANS, let me know. It's going to be - EPIC.

If you've made it this far without dying of boredom, I applaud you for sticking around - full recaps coming as soon as the dust settles from wrapping up Gypsy Caravan 2013  I'll be back, with a vengeance. It is amazing how much free time you have when you're not schlepping your life back and forth every five days. And I've got LOADS to share ;)  You should probably pop a bottle in the fridge now in anticipation...

Did you run a race this weekend?

Ever done any group training runs?

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