Year Twenty Nine

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Baked Garlic Brown Sugar Chicken - via Daydream Kitchen


    • 4 boneless & skinless chicken breasts
    • 4 tbsps brown sugar
    • 4 garlic cloves, minced
    • 3 tsps olive oil


  1. Set the oven to 500 degrees.
  2. Grease pan.
  3. Fry garlic with oil until it becomes soft.
  4. Put the garlic in brown sugar.
  5. Put the chicken in a dish for baking.
  6. Put the garlic on the chicken.
  7. Combine salt and/or pepper as you like.
  8. Bake without cover for approx 20 mins.


My thoughts:

1.) All the ingredients were already in my kitchen = #winning

2.) Prep time was less than 10 minutes.  Including finding said ingredients in the pantry.

3.) About lost my sh$t when I saw the oven needed to be set to 500 degrees. Alas we all survived and I can live to set the oven so high I swear I got contact high from the gas.

4.) Verdict? Simply. Delicious. 

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