Year Twenty Nine

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Monday Musings

Happy belated Monday!

It's official - I survived FIVE whole days as the sole caregiver of the dogs.  And I'm still alive. With my wine rack semi intact. 

Friday had friends stay the night with us.  Made these (yum). Saturday morning made breakfast, including these (omg, yum) then headed out for my long run.

Went here. #thankgodforjobperks

Bacon wrapped hot dog.  And yes, I always double fist my cocktails. #hydrationiskey

Then went here after the Cards WIN where there were more cocktails, drunk dancing,  and debauchery. Ended the night having two of these delivered. One for each person. #dontjudge

Weekly workouts:

4/9 - Ran 1.89 mi (20:31) with a friend and the dogs around neighborhood
4/10 - Tempo ran 3.21 mi on TM (31:01) - see, here for run resources. Or email the expert like I did.
4/11 - Ran 4 mi on TM (40:44)
4/13 - Ran 5.97 mi around neighborhood, last block with Rubin (1:17:44)
4/14 - Ran 1.98 mi at the park (21:47), then walked another 90 minutes with a friend

M gave me a FREE day - I'm talking he and the dogs packed up and left me at 8 am. Sunday funday it was. Breakfast with a friend and her fam, shopping, run, walk, cleaned my apartment, packed for the week, and caught up on my DVR. #bliss #ilovemesomehim

I'm THREE races aways from running 13 races in 2013!  Anyone know of any good races? 

Finally invested in a foam roller - because it was on sale I have no willpower at Target 

Any ever tried  huma gel? It's all natural and made with chia seeds. It goes without saying I ordered a sample 5 pack...

Winner of the Evie J giveaway is - Tori! (email me)

GO! STL half mary pics are up (bib: 5900) - can someone please explain to me why they are lackluster (putting it nicely) yet are more expensive than Marathon Foto?! Anyone have/know of any coupon codes?

My quest to find vanity has come to an end.  After weeks of obsessing, online shopping, and scouring sale racks it became clear. I need to overhaul my life clean my apartment - Spring clean party anyone?   Gotta admit, even my own gusto to find a vanity I didn't need surprised me.  Hello my name is Marcia, and I'm a shopaholic...

Anyone want to button swap? I mean, HJ pimped out my blog and I never use it - which is basically a hate crime. If you're interested in swapping buttons and pimping each other out (for free), holla at your girl...

Tried a new "ice cream" recipe.  Which, after preparing is pretty much exactly the same as this one I made awhile back...

Lastly, I won the  #klutchmoment contest!  That's SIXTY bags of Skinny Pop popcorn. #winning #iheartpopcorn #snacktimeforlife

I have THREE different types of peanut butter in my pantry. This, this, and this.  Which is not counting nut butter - this and  this (never again TJ, never again).  And Nutella - of which I have two jars. And I have a jar at work.  #peanutbutterismylover

My mom's friend posted this on my fb wall - LOVE that face!

What to wear  tool by Runner's World.  You know because I dress for my runs like an idiot.  


...and because I'm PMS'ing all kinds of awesome, today is day numero dos without working out. And day numero uno of eating like today is my last day on death row.

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