Year Twenty Nine

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She's got LEGS

Here it comes again, shameless plugging for my fitness idol.  The one, the only Tracy Anderson. She's kind of a HUGE deal. 

I've been a loyal and devoted follower (TAM for life!) since October 2010 when she showed me what "feeling the burn" really meant, made me understand we need to "own our weight loss", and - well she's just awesome.

Proof: Completed her 30 day Boot Camp AND followed her meal plan. I lost 11 lbs and a bazillion inches.  Then I did all three phases of the Perfect Design Series. And Metamorphosis. Now? Metamorphosis Continuity (currently on Disk 1.2.2A).  Plus pretty much every YouTube video she's ever made.  

Best spent three minutes of you abs life

See my progress and results, here.  But don't let the enthusiasm fool you, it was HARD. But worth every foul word, bead of sweat, and tear.

Enter new leggings. Hello!? Shopaholic, party of, ME. How AMAZE are these? I mean I "need" all three pairs. Ten minutes ago. 

Polka Dot Leggigs
Back to Basics "Polka Dot"

Tartan Leggings
Back to Basics "Tartan"

Watermill Capri

Find the leggings, here. Shop the rest of her online store, here.

Anyone have these leggings? Thoughts?

Ever done the Tracy Anderson Method? Thoughts?

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