Year Twenty Nine

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January 27, 2013

Here comes a puppy filled photo dump - brace yo'self, furry cuteness abounds...

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There was no puppy proofing (because we were going to "look"). Enter stacking furniture barricades and never resting for longer than 30 seconds...

Gone are the days of "napping" and a full nights rest.  Welcome to puppy hell.

Meet Hendrick "Rubin" (L) and Beckham "Miles" (R).  Ten weeks old, they weighed in at 9 lbs, and 9.5 lbs respectively at their first vet visit.

Tiny balls of fur with sharp teeth and a penchant for beating the crap out of one another.  Sibling love.  My personal favorite? Them running full speed at one another from opposite sides of the room. 

No wire hangers!
Clearly we needn't buy toys, any household item will do.  Swifter with them around and you'll clean an inch before they attack you.

Sleeping on the vents - together. Which trumps Rubin taking a deuce on the vent any day.  Nothing is sweeter than watching them sleep.  Because they are monsters.

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Rubin, whom I lovingly refer to as "Mariah Carey" is the penultimate diva. Needs constant attention, has to be the boss, and will bring the pain if she's denied her every want/need/desire.

Her evil plan:
1.) cry
2.) bark/cry
3.) bark/cry/scratch
4.) beat the shit out of Miles so he starts crying
5.) we come running because it sounds like they eating each other alive

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Miles, my sweet boy. Clearly the champion eater, he's twice Rubin's size (already), yet she terrorizes him incessantly. Each day he grows fonder of snuggling, finds some inanimate object to devour, and a new way to give the most heart melting puppy eyes. 


Both get car sick - this photo is while Miles is dry heaving in my lap, and moments before Rubin spewed all over my front seat. Did I mention I had just parked in front of my apartment?


Alas, we bought baby gates. And applied Bitter Apple Spray to everything they began to chew and weren't suppose to. So they get mad and piss on the floor. While staring at you. Assholes.

Memorable Moments:
  • Potty training - I often chant, "patience is a virtue", "please pee/poop",  or a prayer for them to "pee/poop/go to sleep/stop destroying both of our homes". Thank sweet baby Jesus for the person who invented the crate (and crate training). - Shout out to Rebecca for the great tips!
  • Their first toy lasted a week. Maybe. 
  • Nature's Miracle - the only reason both our places don't reek of bladder incontinence.
  • Rubin has figured out to "pee" outside for a treat. Then walk inside and let the contents of her bowels out on the floor.
  • Miles has chewed off/tried to digest every screw hole cover on my furniture. It comes as no surprise he puked all day Saturday.
  • Napping on the couch with one/both dogs.
  • Them "typing" on my laptop while I'm on the computer. 
  • I over feed them. Because math was not my subject.  Oops.
  • Began walks this weekend. Success! After a little dragging, coaxing action. This surely will tame their wild animal tendencies inside.  I hope.
  • They are learning to "sit". For a treat. Greedy bastards.
  • Mistaking Miles almost humping my leg for a "hug".  Man I'm naive.

We've heard training two dogs is easier, only time will tell, in the meantime we are house hopping like a pack of gypsies so they are fully trained at both residences.  Now don't be shy, please pass the vino.

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