Year Twenty Nine

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August 14th

3.3 mile run in Forest Park - partially because of my impending 5k this weekend, because my run yesterday was abysmal, and cuz my "sole sister" Lauren GOT UP BEFORE WORK and ran...3.3 miles*. What?! That was motivation, I'm ridiculously competitive people! I did NOT get murdered, kidnapped, lost this time, HALLELUJAH! By the completion of my run when my friend greeted me to walk, I about keeled over.  Everything south of my hips was screaming "sit your happy ass down before we give out and you fall in front of an insanely hot boy and assure you will die alone". A hot shower and chocolate milk later I was cramping like a champ.  Where's a hot male masseuse when a girls needs one?

For those that are new to my running journey, this girl could barely run a mile in life before contracting what I was certain was asthma or lung collapse. Fast forward to present day and I'm running 5 days a week.  Say what, who is this crazy woman? Now, I am NO expert, and get my advise from an extremely reliable sources: tidbits of information I find on the Internet, People Magazine, blogs, and let's be honest, I make up shit as I go. So I text "911" to my running friend about how to make the pain stop, and the conversation goes like this:

Me: Sore! Just finished a run. What do I do (besides want to vomit), I'm talking magic potion
Friend: Rest. Don't run everyday
Me: But yesterdays run was sad. I had to redeem myself
Friend: Girl, make sure you rest
Me: Is 5 days too much?
Friend: YES!

Hmm, guess I should've researched that gem of information...With my insane clumsiness coupled with my knee surgery a few years ago and the risk of overuse, I'm officially scaling back to 4 days. 

What I shoved into my pie hole:

  • Breakfast: Grande Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato
  • Lunch: Peach, Kashi Go Lean Roll, Apple with Jiff Chocolate Silk
  • Snack: 2 handfuls of my coworkers pretzels. Is it me or does everything taste better when its not yours?
  • Dinner:  Homemade (read: I used butter - lots of butter) Grilled Cheese Sandwich and a small glass of chocolate milk

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Flavored Spread
Anyone tried this yet? My middle sister RAVED about it so I bought 2 boxes (6 1.5 oz containers) to try. Oh.My.Yum. So tasty! Until I looked at the nutrition facts and realized why it was so good - there are 250 calories in that tiny cup! Granted it is way better than say, a box of Cheez its (mmm, Cheez its), but dang. I WILL be consuming these delightful containers of yumminess,  adjusting my daily calories accordingly next time.

In other news, WTH happened to all the TAM YouTube trampoline videos??? Got home the other day with extra energy (from where no one knows but I went with it), grab my iPad - and ALL of her trampoline videos are...GONE!? Say it isn't so! I'm sure it has everything something to do with her new trampoline video that is for sale (read: not FREE).  Whatever.  One day when I stop buying every dress Target designs and get serious about using the mini trampoline that is collecting dust in my office I'll invest in the trampoline video. Speaking of, anyone have it?  If so, spill!

*Clarification: Lauren ran 3.3 the night BEFORE - I can't read...

Lauren: Pretty sure I was asleep the night before when you guys text me and I RESPONDED at 6:36am that I ran 3.3 the night before! LOL!!!  I’m so happy I could get you moving though! Hahaha!