Year Twenty Nine

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I'd like to thank...

Thanks to my sweet pal Jae, I've been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award! Liebster means "favorite" in German and the award is intended for blogs that have less than 200 followers, but deserve a bit more attention.

I cannot thank Jae enough for this nomination, it truly is an honor :) If you haven't already read her blog, French Fries & Thunder Thighs, check it out and cheer her on, she just began her transformation with TAM - and we all know how a little encouragement goes along way. You got this Jae!

And for you faithful readers, I didn't forget about you. It's amazing how much love and support you've given me since I began my blog/fitness journey two years ago, and I am beyond grateful to each of you for sticking with me, I owe this award to all of you!

In order for me to accept this award, I must share five things about myself that you may not know, in addition to nominating five other blogs to receive this award.

Five Things About Me:

1.) I'm a hopeless romantic (something as short as a commercial has brought me to tears)
2.) I LOVE children, and hope to have a house full of my own someday
3.) I make up my own words to songs - which isn't a big deal if I didn't sing along, off key, and at the top of my lungs.
4.) I love to travel. Be it a Road trip, or across the country it brings me joy
5.) One day I hope to be my own boss (doing what, idk- hopefully fitness related)

The five blogs I want to nominate have brought a smile to my face, made me laugh, cry, or sometimes a mixture of both. Thanks ladies, for sharing your lives and journeys with me, it has been amazeballs.

1.) Removing my second bum with Tracy Anderson 
A hilarious, no-nonsense blog about Carrie's journey with TAM. LOVE her!

2.) Lassen & Company
Adorable family blog by my pal - plus her daughter is RIDICULOUSLY cute...

3.) LSW Photography
Super creative friend from college; her artwork adorns every wall of my office. 

I'm still working on the last two, the other blogs I follow either have over 200 followers or were already nominated :)

Before I bid you adieu, if you have (or now of any) good blogs, please forward them my way, I'm always looking to expand my list :)

Love & TAM,

P.S. My blog used to be named "Marcia's Fitness Challenge" in case I confused anyone.  I'm still here, just under a new blog name so please update my info on your lists or you won't get all my juicy tidbits ;)